Saturday, September 19, 2009

This morning I went apple picking with friends at the Treworgy Orchard in Levant. It was a lot of fun. We went for a hayride and fed goats and the kids chased chickens. :) Yes we actually did get lost in the corn maze which was shaped into a butterfly this year.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

hehe yeah its a Kitty picture.....and it made me laugh... :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I want to make this 12 layered cake....mmmmmm....cake....

just a tomato and mayo on multigrain sandwich...but I did stop and get five munchkins (plus one free one) and a small coffee coolatta minus the whip cream...I am weak...and I do plan on going to the gym this evening. I have been enjoying using the Wii Fit to track my progress. I want to make real effort to try to watch what I am eating because I feel like that has been what has been impacting my progresss to lose weight. I tend to get frazzled and then eat horribly...I need to go grocery shopping so I am less tempted to eat out. Also I really need to go to bed earlier and then get up earlier so I can enjoy breakfast at home. I had my cards read last night by Matthew and a few of the same cards showed up from my last reading so there are a few areas I still need to work on.

Going to save this idea for later ;)I think these cupcakes are adorable. Saw it on Bakerella
And this is just too cute for words...

I really want to make these...cupcake/brownie burgers and sugar cookie fries. I saw how to make them here.
While on her honeymoon, Joanna from Cup of Jo has had bloggers answer the question "What is the secret to a happy marriage?" All the answers are different and thoughtful, but they all seem to say that if you make an effort to know what makes your spouse happy and actually do it then you may be close to discovering the secret to a happy marriage. Honestly I have mixed feelings toward marriage although I am sure that will change when I meet the right guy, but it was very fun and refreshing to read their responses. Some of the responses were goofy while others were heartfelt.
Here is one of my favorite responses from one of my favorite bloggers...

Think play, not romance.
Forget flowers, dinner and candles, and instead play a video game, have a water-gun battle or play in a photo booth (or with Photobooth if you have a Mac!).

Embrace imperfection.
Accept that you're both going to make mistakes, and if the mistake was not intentionally hurtful, let it go. Adjust your expectations and align them with reality (dirty towels on the floor, pre-menstrual hormone insanity), not fantasy (a pristine house, a perpetually perky disposition).

Reinvigorate the Old.
Life's grind sometimes whittles away the parts of us that are carefree, inspired, focused or fun. One of the best things you can do for your spouse is to defend the parts of them that you married them for. And that doesn't mean saying "You used to be so..." It means reminding them that they ARE those things; they're not gone, even on their most beaten down days.

Discover the New.
Embark on unplanned adventures. Often.

-- Nichole, Little Brown Pen

I love this blog...makes me wish I had kids to throw parties for. :)
Party Perfect by Sara Hicks Malone
Party Perfect is an inspirational blog dedicated to parties, entertaining, and all things fun! I am a...graphic designer, illustrator, designer and mom. I am a former art director for Martha Stewart Baby and Kids magazines. I design for Hicks Paper Goods, which is now part of the Whitney English Company.

I love this party idea she mentions here.
This 'dino dig' party is nothing short of brilliant! Activities included fossil making, volcano erupting, digging for 'dinosaur bones', and assembling the skeletons, among other things. All of the guests were given a safari hat and satchel filled with fossil books, dinosaur trading cards and other little goodies.
Found an interesting Blog today called 500 Pieces of Prudent Advice for My Baby Daughter
#175 If you are questioning whether someone loves you or not, the answer is right in front of you.
When it comes to [people] who are romantically interested in you, it's really simple. Just ignore everything they say and only pay attention to what they do.
Randy Pausch
#181 Be where you are.
Try not to think about where you need to go next or wherever you just came from. This is more difficult then it sounds, but work at it. It’s important for your head to be present in the place where your body is.
#169 Order whatever you want.
If you want a neon orange fruity cocktail with a paper umbrella and plastic monkey hanging off of it, go for it! If you want a bowl of lettuce with the dressing on the side, have one. Banana sandwich? Be my guest. No one should be judging you by the style of food and beverage you consume; if they do, eat with someone else next time!
#152 Men as a rule are not good mind readers.
Articulate your thoughts to them clearly if you want to be sure that you will be understood. Imagine writing on a 3X5 card; short and to the point.
#144 The only problem you can solve by eating is hunger.
#123 You don't have to pretend you know something if you don't.
It's okay to just say, "I don't know." You can't know everything!
#80 Not everyone is going to like you, and that's just fine.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

*Saw a kidney stone tonight...yeah that wasn't what I expected...(no it wasn't mine and it was in a plastic container) Wonder what its actually made of...
*Chatted with a person I had been wanting to talk to but was too shy to say hi to. :) I think it went well. He may think I'm weird, but yes I am weird and I made him laugh.
*With some playing with the antenna, we now have NBC with the converter box...Yay! Was so nice to watch some Football :) I swear some channels disappeared the other night.
*Remembered it was Grandparents Day today and got to visit with my grandmother and brought her a pretty mum for her doorstep. I think with the mum Charlotte bought she is all set for fall. Now she just needs a pumpkin.
*I did the unthinkable today and bought three Nike shirts....shocking I loyalty streak to Adidas has sad...